Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There Is a Difference

The clip above (Ben Quayle campaign commercial) does not sound convincing. Why is Ben Quayle running? Is it to avenge his father’s lynching? Not good enough. Is it to worry Barack Obama? Unlikely. The way they went after Dan was either because they were scared he would score, or because it was a way to get at Papa. Probably the latter. Either way, it was shameful. But what can you expect from potato eaters.

People go into politics either for power (Obama) or money (Clinton). There is a difference. People go into journalism to change the world. That’s why the journalists of today are sitting around inert on their laurels. They’ve already succeeded in doing what they set out to do. Now they see their job as protecting the sandpainting they’ve sponsored.

They’ve managed to affect the biggest change possible. They’ve painted America evil, and America’s enemies with bold, shining halos. They did it without regard to allegiance. They did it because they could. They’ll retire to their graves toothless but smiling.

Checkerboard America is on its way. Already the country is divided into red and blue states. As the Federal government becomes increasingly intrusive, demanding ever more from us; states will begin thinking about seceding. Already lawsuits are flying back and forth; populations are on the move; treasure is leaving the country.

There will be fences alright. We won’t be shy about building them - and prisons. These will be designed to keep people in - not out. There is a difference.

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