Friday, August 27, 2010

Smokes In The Rough

Alan Grayson is the face of today’s Democrat Party - what’s left of it, anyway. He is energetic, attractive and, above all, confident. He is confident that people will believe anything they’re told - as long as they’re being told it with confidence.

Grayson believes - not without cause - the American electorate to be stupid and blind. His brand of politics has been highly effective in the past. But this is a new era. The difference between political rhetoric and political reality has become too great. It can no longer be papered over by wearing an American Flag tie and a used-car salesman’s smile.

POTUS is another one pretending nobody notices that (for instance), since assuming office, he has been on more vacations and played more rounds of golf than all other presidents put together. He does this fully aware that, if it were to become known, the public would not react favorably. Yet, he needs to keep doing it to maintain some sense of balance within his own fragile mind; to keep telling himself that the job assigned to him is not really so momentous, after all: the systematic and deliberate slaughter of (what once was) a very important nation.

POTUS is not really so committed as others who standing behind him (the mosque at Ground Zero, and every other divisive, job-killing initiative he has been made to endorse) urging him on, and telling him what to do and say. His compulsive golfing proves it; as does sneaking smokes in the rough. He is not mature enough to appreciate the gravity of what is happening to the country that honored him with its sacred trust. It never occurs to him that old men play golf to pretend they are not dying.

1 comment:

  1. POTUS was put in to save the banks. Fait accompli. All else is irrelevant to him now, er, that is to the people behind him. History will not be kind to those who engineered the biggest electoral ambush in history; even on par with what Bush did in 2000. When Bill said it was all a "fairy tale" he knew what he was talking about but Hill-bill did not have enough power to slow down the tectonic Democratic groupthink in 2008 that gave Obama his momentum. Another failed presidency! As Americans we should all give ourselves a collective pat on the back!

    The roster...
    Nixon - failed
    Ford - failed
    Carter - failed
    Reagan - depends on your affiliation
    Bush 1 - failed
    Clinton - depends on your affiliation
    Obama - looks like a failure
