Monday, August 9, 2010

Everyone Is Guilty

The temptation to turn WikiLeaks into a wedge issue is an indication of the state-controlled media attempting to make yet another statement in support of its overall agenda. We saw the same thing happening in response to the killing of employees at a Connecticut beer distributor; and, before that, the shooting of military personnel at Fort Hood. In each of these cases, the media went out of its way to cast the criminal as ‘victim’. (There are innumerable other such examples.)

This, of course, obscures the fact; first, that a horrendous crime has been committed; and, second, that there already exists a well-entrenched history of emphasis and intent, ceaselessly being stoked by both our government and its propaganda appendages.

There can be no doubt that our current political class feeds on division. Therefore, division and disharmony is promoted on every level of officialdom. Our reflex response to any incident has become so thoroughly conditioned as to immediately seek victim status for the aggressor, and aggressor status for the victim.

The gun violence this past weekend in the Bronx (NY) immediately becomes a debate about the second amendment, to further the cause of those who would challenge it. Lost in all this is the appreciation for the obvious fact that a crime has been committed by someone who deserves to be punished.

‘No fault crime’ has become the focus of the game. When something goes down, everybody must be made to pay equally. Everyone is guilty. No one escapes scrutiny. We live in a land where everyone is a suspect; where everyone must be watched and kept on a short leash, and no one is trusted; most especially the press, which we all have come to know has a singular agenda of shilling for our present government which, in turn, demands ever greater control over our lives, extending now even to what we can and cannot do in our bedrooms. I’m surprised JB fell for it.

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