Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guest Contributer: Tom From NJ

On John Batchelor’s blog, Tom from NJ responded to president Obama’s speech on Libya. I have asked him for permission to post his response on my own blog because it introduces some names we should all become familiar with. These people were not elected but exert much influence over our government’s policies:

On the domestic side, the Obama Administration, led by czar-of-czars Cass Sunstein, is "nudging" the USA step by opportunistic step into a state of "de-development" and rule by executive fiat, often of doubtful constitutionality. On the foreign policy side, Mrs. Cass Sunstein -- aka. Samantha Power -- aided by her accomplices Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice, is performing a similar "nudging" operation, using Libya as her wedge issue.

What specifically is the "nudge" in operation here? Stated simply, it is to gradually disenfranchise We the People from any effective control over our foreign policy -- just as on the domestic side over everything from health care to light bulbs -- with a view towards decoupling the deployment of America's crown jewel - her dedicated, highly skilled, and popular military - from any meaningful connection with the real interests and concerns of We the People.

To this end, Samantha Nudge-nik and Co. are creating a precedent which, if allowed to stand, will operationalize the long-time internationalist-progressive wet-dream of routinely deploying the brave men and women of America's super-powerful armed forces in the service and at the behest of the UN, the EU, the Arab League, the "international community," faceless "democratic rebels" or anybody else deemed worthy by the PC crowd, rather than in defense of We the People. Integral to this precedent are several fundamental assertions: (1) The single most significant problem facing our world today is genocide, and therefore; (2) Only a truly international effort -- i.e., one sanctioned by some recognized international body like the UN -- can legitimately and effectively act to eliminate genocide, therefore; (3) "American exceptionalism" today can only mean that our country must take the lead in quashing this primary international menace, and by whatever means necessary.

To be fair to Samantha Power, we should not simply dismiss her constant critical focus on international genocide as just so much cynical political game-playing. It seems she really cares about this undoubted historical scourge and no decent human being can disagree with her condemnation of it. That said, we must also note that Mr. and Mrs. Sunstein, as the quintessential Harvard Power Couple from Hard-Left Hell, seem convinced that their personal agendas represent the only wise solutions to all of our tired old Western world's problems.

On the foreign policy side, we may boil down the Sunsteins' latest paroxysm of arrogant "We the Elitists know best" to the deceptively simple formula of R2P -- "responsibility to protect." According to this sunburst of superior wisdom, the only morally and politically legitimate use of military force is to rescue current and prospective victims of genocide from their dire fate as allegedly decreed by those nasty old nation-states like the USA and Israel.

These Sunstein-esque assertions only beg a series of critically important questions. Who will decide what constitutes "genocide?" Not We the People, but We the Elite. Who will decide what measures to take in any given international crisis? Not We the People, but We the Elite. More specifically, who will decide when and where and under what conditions to commit our splendid armed forces to action? Not We the People, but We the Elite. And from now on just whose interests will our splendid military "protect" when they strike to kill and be killed? Not We the People, but We the Elite. See the pattern forming? It has begun in the Obama Administration's bogus "kinetic military action" in Libya, and who knows where and how it will end. God save America!

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