Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Final Cut

I, for one, am getting tired of hearing about all the supposed failures - both internationally and domestically - of the Obama administration. We all act as if our present leadership and America are one an the same when, in fact, Obama’s goals and America’s goals are diametrically opposed. We now have a situation in which if America fails, Obama wins and vice versa. No where is this more apparent than in our sudden shift in foreign policy.

Obama's goal, simply put, is to destroy the United States. This is why he pays no head to what Iran is up to in the Middle East and in our own hemisphere. This is why he pays no heed to North Korea and its Chinese puppet masters. This is why he keeps undermining our economy. This is why he is deliberately choking off our energy supply. This is why he refuses to address our immigration problems. This is why everything - our traditional international policy commitments as well as our economy - is falling apart.

Our so-called president has a strategy alright. But it is not a strategy that bodes well for America. He thinks if he destroys America, all our traditional adversaries will fall on their knees before of him and accept him into their fold. It is clear that he considers America to have been an evil influence in this world. By destroying America, he believes, the world will be a place more to his liking and he will be proclaimed universally as hero and savior.

He fails to grasp the fact that no traitor can ever be regarded as a hero; that he will continue to be reviled around the world; that he will spend the rest of his days cloaked in infamy.

He will counter by proclaiming himself to have never been American. Only then he will produce his birth certificate which will show that he was never one of us; that he has always been a foreign agent. This, the world will reject. For every nation will be sucked into the vacuum left by America’s sinking and he will be singularly blamed. Every nation will burn in the chaos of hell caused by America’s drowning and wish for the return of a strong and honorable Atlantis to provide balance in a world torn from its roots and bleeding.

It is up to us to remove him from office before the final curtain falls.


  1. So what are you advocating for? Shall we attack either Iran (supported by Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, most EU countries, India, etc) or North Korea (China's little pit bull) and start World War III. We CAN'T AFFORD another war. Hello? Earth to Peter. Besides, we would PROBABLY LOSE. The world has changed a little since the 10's and 40's when, by a historical abberration, the US was a victor in both world wars. We almost destroyed the country with the Iraqi war, mind you against 20 million Arabs with minimal defenses...

    Sorry but war-mongering is not the solution. Aren't you concerned with the fact that your children or grandchildren (if you have any) would be sucked into such a disastrous escapade????

  2. Yes, of course, I have children ...and nieces and nephews. grandchildren yet (but hopefully soon). But I don't want them to have to live under the gun. Patrick Henry knew the score when he said, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" for the loss of liberty is likely worse than death.

    Every time we breathe these days, somebody threatens us, stomps on our flag and sets something bearing an American moniker on fire. They do it because they recognize that we have become weak and feckless.

    We've become a fair approximation of Jerzy Kosinski's 'Painted Bird'. We’ve shown ourselves to be yellow.

    Don't you see that the policies we are currently pursuing will ultimately lead us exactly to where neither of us wants to be? When Ahmadinejad or Chavez or Kim Jong-Il can threaten us with impunity, it signals to the whole world that we are finished. The big boys are already circling, sharpening their long knives - albeit cautiously (there may yet be some sting in this insect carcass left) - with the intent of exacting their pound of flesh. We are being tested daily by proxies. We’re flunking consistently. At the end of the term, we’ll be informed that we’ve been kicked out of school.

    What then? The school of hard knocks, surely; serving as water boy to someone who beats his wife and prays five times a day - or buried in some gulag and left to rot. No, my friend, liberty, as any worthwhile commodity does not come free. We must stand ready to defend it daily. It’ll be a hard climb back.
