Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Impeach the President

There are two reasons for why Obama won’t extend the Bush tax cuts: one is Bush, the other is ‘tax cuts’. Obama’s sole support came from those opposing Bush. He’s already had to swallow hard and continue some of Bush’s signature policies, especially in foreign affairs. This has already eroded his base of support significantly. Then there are those who have changed their minds about Obama in general. It is fair to say that Obama has very little support from the electorate overall. Caving on the issue of extending the Bush tax cuts will surely erode his base even further, though it is difficult to see how this is even possible at this point.

Two, if, as I have come to believe, that it is Obama’s intent to implode our economy, it would be silly of him to extend the Bush tax cuts. Doing so, would only serve to stimulate the economy.

POTUS may know that even if the economy were going full tilt by the time 2012 rolls around, he would still not be re-elected. In short, he has nothing to lose but his ideological principles. As far as the electorate is concerned, POTUS is dead meat no matter what he does.

I still say, his next target will be our electoral system. Without it, he is free do what he wants, whenever he wants to do it. He’s practically there now with his army of czars and regulators and left-wing judges. The window is closing fast on all those who still maintain that Barack Hussein Obama wants to do us no harm. The only way out for Republicans is to impeach the president as soon as possible.


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