Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They Are Mocking Us

“Stop following me.”

“Stop following me.”

“Go away!”

“Go away!”

“Leave me alone.”

“Leave me alone.”

“Stop hitting me.”

“Stop hitting me.”

“I’m telling Mom.”

“I’m telling Mom.”

Remember when the bully in the schoolyard or an older brother, perhaps, used to do this: repeat everything you said with the smirk of superiority on his face? He was mocking you and you would eventually dissolve into tears. This is exactly what the infantile, bullying Left is doing in response to Glenn Beck’s 8/28 gathering in Washington at the Lincoln Memorial. They are mocking us. They are attempting to diminish the gravity and sacredness of what happened there. They are showing themselves as arrogant, as disrespectful of the genuine impulse that had brought so many people from all over the country together.

Just the other day, they mocked Congress itself by inviting one of their funnymen flamethrowers to discuss a dead-serious subject on Capitol Hill. They’ve been mocking Sarah Palin and the Tea Parties and anyone whom they perceive as a legitimate threat to the continuance of their disastrous policies for as long as I dare to remember. Their attacks on these good people have been constant and merciless

Every word out of the mouth of our historic president is a mockery. He talks about the failure of education, about the failure of the housing market, about the failure of journalism, the auto industry, banking, the military, etc. never mentioning that it was he and his party that were the primary reason for these failures. And to drive the point, he recklessly proposes more of the same. Failure has become the new norm.

He mocks the polls, elections, democratic governance in general. He is mocking us as if he knows enough is in place to deny us the power to affect even an iota of change. He is supremely confident that his Marxist revolution is close to fruition on American soil. If history is any gage, he and his minions will gather on the National Mall and spew anti-American obscenities on this sacred ground.

He is confident that the mosque on Ground Zero will stand to be celebrated throughout the Muslim world on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

They are mocking us daily. In order to get them to stop, we must think back to the schoolyard and figure out what we eventually did to put the bully his in his place.



  1. Peter, I am voting my Tea Party sympathies this fall. Of course we need a reorganization of government, downsizing all the way around. I too was inspired by the two hours of the Beck rally that I saw.

    There is one thing that troubles me. Tea Partiers talk about taxes. They talk about government spending. They talk about the deficit and the national debt. All well and good.

    But there are two troubles I don't hear them talking about, and it worries me. First, private debt is much bigger than the federal debt, and it is probably impossible for that debt to be completely paid off either. There must be, at some point, a restructuring as they say in financial circles. The creditors take a "haircut," as they also say -- a partial but not complete payback of the unpayable debt. In religious terms, something like the Old Testament jubilee. The economy as it struggles forward (or runs in place) cannot get anywhere with the debt service it currently suffers. (There are millions of real estate loans set to bump up to a higher interest rate in the next two years as well.)

    The second unmentioned problem is fraud. A big part of the economic crisis was based on fraud. Lenders lent money to folks they knew could not pay it back. Lenders handed off these hot potato loans to Wall Street, who apparently bribed ratings agencies to rate this debt as AAA when combined with less risky "prime" loans. Then Wall Street sold these bundles of debt garbage to pension funds and other suckers, knowing full well they stunk like old fish. There are several levels of fraud that went on here, and probably still going on. These people have to go to jail, and the fraud must be stopped before we can have a properly functioning economy, IMO.

    Peter, what are your thoughts along these lines?

  2. Everything you say is true up to a point. But we’ve got a much bigger problem. Debt can always be fixed over time providing there is growth. People need to have jobs and earn money, a portion of which has to go to pay off the debt. A reasonable rate of inflation could also help. Right now we are not growing and people are still losing jobs - and not paying taxes. A downward spiral has been set into motion. And there is no relief on the horizon for at least the next two years.

    Then there is also another thing happening - something nobody talks about - that contributes to the problem. People who can afford not to work don’t. People with entrepreneurial ideas of stating a company are sitting on their hands. People who could expand their business and hire people are waiting until Obama is out of office. These people have effectively gone on strike. They have vowed, either consciously or unconsciously, not to participate in this economy because they are diametrically opposed to our current leadership’s philosophy.

    Which brings me to our biggest problem. Rightly or wrongly, the majority of Americans believe that the man in the White House is out to destroy the country. The people on United Flight 93 that went down in a Pennsylvania field knew what was going on. God knows how they knew! They sprang into action and sacrificed themselves to save our nation.

    On some level we all have a similar sense of dread in the pit of our stomachs. Today Obama admitted for the first time that he was born a Muslim. We don’t trust our president; we don’t trust our government. The nation has been hijacked. We’re all sitting around quietly waiting until we have the chance to remove the threat.

    India has a lot of problems. There are always huge political fights between the parties, every one of which (including the Communists) think it has a better plan. But there is a common denominator: they all love their country and wish for it to succeed.

    In America, it seems, there are some people who don’t wish us well. And that’s scary. We can always fix things as long as we can agree to work for what‘s best for our nation. Right now, many feel, we’re under existential threat from within. Our pitcher is throwing the game. He’s betting against us. This has never happened before. As long as this condition persists we can not hope to get even to first base, much less to slide into home.

  3. Thanks Peter. I will ponder what you wrote. But I can't shake the feeling that the criminals got bailed out, and now (like Berkshire's Charlie Munger) they are telling the taxpayers and all the little people to suck it up. That's the kind of attitude that gets people to thinking about guillotines. Yes, unleashing entrepreneurial spirit is essential, but restoring justice -- real trillion dollar crimes were committed -- is just as essential.
