Sunday, September 26, 2010

There Will Be Blood

Good news? Hardly. The WSJ this weekend pronounced Obama’s economic policies as ‘repudiated‘. The current bone of contention are the Bush tax cuts. Democrat members of Congress see this as yet another nail in their collective coffins. They are attempting to put as much daylight as possibly between themselves and the administration which seems hell-bent to let them expire.

Overlooked by pundits is the fact that Democrats need do nothing to bring this about. The prospect of steep Democrat election losses in November will not change their minds and make them proactive regarding this issue. Indeed, there is no reason to even attempt a move to appease the public. The electorate is not likely to pardon Democrats on the basis of having second thoughts.

If they happen to share Obama’s Marxist ideology, they might attempt to raise taxes even more during the lame duck session. I’m sure there is already a draft to this effect circulating in some arcane committee - a last hurrah; a final poke in the eye of the electorate; a last opportunity to reward fellow travelers; a last supper of pork. The president, of course, would not hesitate to sign on. Why shouldn’t he? He’s been governing against the interests of the people all along. He’s well used to it by now.

You might wonder why any leader would deliberately make himself so desperately unpopular as this president has done? JB is right. Obama no longer speaks with the conviction he has shown in the past. Yet, there is no sign of him reversing course. Jesus too never faltered in His determination to mount Golgotha. He showed weariness; and, at times, His strength left Him, but He was nevertheless determined to fulfill His destiny.

It could just be that Obama (despite his blinding messiah complex) knows that he’s been found out. The happy-face routine has become old and over. For better or worse, he is the one who has been chosen to deliver America to its final resting place. It could be that there remains a smidgeon of regret in his heart.

What many pundits and analysts still fail to understand is that the passage into communism requires a revolution. Revolutions are often bloody, highly unpleasant affairs. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the American people will ‘not go gentle into that good night‘. There will indeed be blood.

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