Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Straw Dogs

What must be kept in mind is that what Obama says and what he does are two different things. In this way he resembles Ahmadinejad (who, by the way, shares the same country of birth with Valerie Jarrett). He even says one thing to one group and something else to another.

Obama knows that saying something positive about business, for instance, will get picked up and be blown out of proportion by the press to give the impression that a major new initiative is in the offing. This then serves to call off the dogs for a while in which time Obama/Ahmadinejad continue to do exactly as they want.

We all know very well what Obama/Ahmadinejad want. We just don’t want to believe it. We will literally grasp at straws to keep from believing it. And Obama/Ahmadinejad are well acquainted with straw, and the dogs they continue to fashion with it.
Since people have asked, the above scene in the header represents the Shore Temple in Mamallapuram (formerly Mahabalipuram) in South India. It is the only temple of its kind remaining, a number of others having been claimed by the sea. It is a mere 50 km from where I sit in the hub of an extremely busy urban environment. We escape to there often on weekends, simply to chill.

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