Sunday, September 12, 2010

We Have To Pretend...

What’s disturbing is that we’re still in Afghanistan. Our government is running this show. Who knows why? Despite the media’s best effort to put 9/11 on the backburner, it keeps mutating - popping up in most surprising guises. The latest happens to be that pesky mosque our government wants to build in conjunction with Islam near our sacred Ground Zero burial site. This pits our people against the government which seemingly has aligned itself with our self-proclaimed enemy.

Who would have foreseen this twist back in 2001? You really can’t make this stuff up. When the Towers fell, we are told, we had the full support of the world. When Bush came to office he inherited a surplus. Everything that was good, we are told, was squandered by Bush. History started and ended with Bush. Now, poor Obama, our historic messiah is simply trying to put things right.

In order to do this we have to roll back time. We have to pretend 9/11 never happened. We have to pretend that Muslims don’t hate us. We have to pretend that they won’t fight to the last man to get us to submit (to sharia). We have to pretend that they wouldn’t murder every last Jew if given even half the chance. We have to pretend we’re unified. We have to pretend the opposition - defined as anyone criticizing Obama’s policies - has had its tongue cut out; that the noise it generates is mere gibberish. We have to pretend that our president is not a Muslim. We have to pretend that he doesn‘t want to change us fundamentally into some version of Satan. We have to pretend we’re continuing to fight an inherited war without strategy, without history, without reason. (Note: This last point could be true.)

We have to pretend we’re not simply going through the motions of governing. We have to pretend we’re fighting a war we are winning. We have to pretend that we are not the enemy. We have to pretend we are not doing our damnest to destroy the dollar. We have to pretend that the doors to the Trojan horse we dragged into our courtyard have yet to open.

With all we are asked to believe (that goes against everything we know to be true), what are we going to tell the Taliban that will change their precious hearts and minds?

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