Friday, September 24, 2010

The Unveiling of America

Some say that the only constant re the human condition is pain. Healthy bodies produce chemicals that shield us from pain. Yet the pain is always there. Strip away our organic defenses against it, and pain slips back out to torture us until we find another veil - usually one of a synthetic nature - that once again makes it bearable enough to ignore.

Then there’s hunger. The veil is nutrition. Some of us have woven it into an art form. The leaders of some African countries use food as a weapon, ripping the veil off their enemies - usually women and children, who are always the first in line to suffer the sins of war - subjecting their bodies to the painful pangs of hunger and eventual death.

Then there’s the ever insatiable sex drive. Muslim societies literally wrap their women in veils (burkahs) in an effort to keep (what they regard as) the wayward impulses of their male population at bay.

The daily struggle for security - to guarantee tomorrow’s meal; tomorrow’s distraction - makes use of money as a veil to ease this constant concern.

Finally, there’s our fear of death that produces acrid toxins in our systems. The veil is religion that promises the after-life - at considerable cost, however; tying us to ritual and overt displays cementing group solidarity, the currency of which being the protocol of exclusion, i.e. we abstain from this, we don’t do that, etc,

All such veils, when stripped away result in pain.

Our current administration is seeking to strip away of our veils - the comfort of our traditions - leaving us vulnerable, bitterly exposed and hurting. (Abu Ghraib, you ain’t seen nothing yet.) It’s an exercise in coercion aimed at getting us to submit unconditionally; to abandon our pearls (before swine) of fair-minded opposition, and feed on our energy; our talents; our wisdom to swell their flawed and undeserving elitist egos. They do it because they think they can.

Time will tell if this unveiling of America will serve to turn us into obedient lap dogs, or cause us to unleash our superior numbers against our tormentors.

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