Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taking First Aim

China is in the process of consolidating its power in its part of the world just like Iran is doing in the Middle East. China is confident it can get away with this now because it no longer views the U.S. as a credible roadblock. Obama’s foreign policy is seen to be aimless and lacking any and all conviction. Additionally, China feels it holds the trump move (two queens acting simultaneously) in what we regard as this, our interminable chess tournament of nations: the U.S. debt. The newest strategy for success holds that those who control the debt always win. China has situated herself so that she could wreck the U.S. economy with a single word. Obama is well aware of this.

Unappreciated by China, perhaps, is the likelihood that the present U.S. administration does not care in the least about the U.S. economy; that it is possible that it will at some point even goad China into pulling the plug and purposely send our economy into a tailspin, thus removing the debt threat weapon from the board entirely.

Still, for China, it would come out to one and the same: America voluntarily quitting the world stage and leaving China to do what it wants.

It has often been said that familiarity breeds contempt. China and Japan, both intensely nationalistic, will never see eye to eye. There are factions in the Middle East for which this is equally true. Even the European Union will not survive as the big players, Germany and France, will always plot to secure advantage. This truism is so deeply ingrained in the human condition, we even see it played out on the mean streets of American urban centers where black on black crime is rampant.

The tendency to see ourselves - or those who look most like us - as our primary enemy never fails. It comes to the fore particularly in times of social and economic stress. It is always those that most closely resemble us at whom we take first aim; not realizing, perhaps, that we are sticking our fingers into profoundly intimate wounds that have long since bled dry.

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