Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dreams of My Father

The Democrat Blue Dogs are gone – most of them – leaving behind a much more toxic mix. ‘Democrat’ has become a misnomer.

“National Democratic revolution” comes immediately to mind, along with “ideological integration, revolutionary imperative, minority domination, liberation alliance, unity…, infiltration, incursion, viable agency for change, reformist option, armed tactics, mass political mobilization in combination with legal, semi-legal and clandestine methods"; add to this: wealth re-distribution, protest, strike, disruption, shortages, smear campaigns, property confiscation, resistance; the breakdown of civility, morality; family, security, identity – all to create a general climate of collapse within which a Marxist solution becomes possible.

How far we have come since Obama’s election! - a man we knew next to nothing about. How much we have learned in the past two years! – about communism and Islam (which share similar goals).

We’ve gone from anointing a savior, to suspecting an incompetent, to tolerating an imbecile, to fearing an enemy. And still we submit to the theft of our privacy, to the judgment of medical death panels (what else would you call them) to be groped by minimum wage airport thugs – burka wearers excluded, of course.
Italics taken from Nadine Gordimer’s “Burgers Daughter”.


  1. All of this is true, Peter. That is why we must hold fast to the knowledge that "here we have no lasting resting place," and that we are strangers and sojourners in a land where "even the prophet and the priest forage in a land they know not." Not to do so is to walk headlong into that place with the sign over the door: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

  2. Peter, let me add that, although we look to Heaven as our final destination, we do not neglect the needs and cares of this world, but do everything within our individual and institutional power to relieve suffering, give comfort to the weary, feed and clothe the poor--Mother Teresa's work in other words, to influence the culture toward generosity and compassion, and to carry out all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy that we are able to do. Sometimes, all we can do is pray for the dying.
