Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Wish I Had Better News

Sorry guys, I wish I had better news. The tools won out - and ‘tools’, by definition, can never exceed their function.

Nothing happened yesterday. And yet we expected so much - as we did earlier, taking a couple of days off to march on Washington. The Left is too entrenched. It controls everything: the schools; the media; the courts, and even our electoral process. I never realized we were this far gone.

To be sure, each side was thrown a few scraps to chew on. But the overall direction remains the same. Nothing can stop us now from getting there. And we all know where ‘there’ is. Obama has nothing to worry about. He will preside - and probably be seen as historic, transformative. We may even begin to name streets, buildings and airports after him - all now slated to be reduced to ‘shovel-ready’ rubble. From now on, all his ‘mistakes’ will be ours.

The illusion will last till the crash that sends everything flying apart. The only thing certain now is the crash.

They say that hope springs eternal. After yesterday, hope has been reduced to time - additional time in which to contemplate (our apparently destined) demise, over and over again; that severely flawed painting, prominently displayed on the museum wall. We all know what’s wrong with it, but the paint has dried and the brushes are broken. At the entrance, they’ll now be checking not only for bombs, but for razor blades as well.

I had been hoping against hope that someone of sufficient stature would step up to the plate from our side. After yesterday’s results, I would guess that he - even if he exists - is now reconsidering; that he too has come to the conclusion that we’ve long ago stepped over the line; that there’s no turning back.

I too feel a genuine affection for the bloggers on this site. I wish JB would consider inviting us to one last supper while there’s still time - at Peter Luger’s perhaps - to give us all a chance to commiserate over some excellent steaks.


  1. "I had been hoping against hope that someone of sufficient stature would step up to the plate from our side. "

    I think that is the heart of the matter. Where are our Teddy Roosevelts, our Trumans, ...?

    Here in California, we chose between Whitman and Brown, between Boxer and Fiorina. Whitman and Fiorina are probably qualified, and would probably have done a good job (certainly better than who we're saddled with), but their message was lost in the noise. The fact that the national Republican party mostly ignored them is probably a contributing factor. I'm convinced they allowed Whitman in only because she could foot the bill herself. Maybe also because they consider California a lost state. (San Francisco and Los Angeles get to tell the rest of us what to do.)

    It used to be said that a good leader would emerge in time of war. Maybe we need a bigger war.

    The Republican gains may well have postponed the inevitable collapse. That's cold comfort.

  2. ZZ - The whole thing stinks. New York and California had 'machine' wins. So don't be too hard on your neighbors. If it had been up to them, it would have come out right.
