Monday, November 1, 2010

Midterm Elections Tomorrow

It’s the day before… the wedding; graduation; Christmas. The anticipation is almost unbearable. But, pardon my saying so, this year it seems a little sad. Even after Christmas the winter continues. And some of the kids have been allowed to open their presents already (early voting). And some of the kids who deserved coal in their stockings will be getting presents anyway. And some of the kids who’ve been fighting oversees, won’t get anything at all. And some of Santa’s sleighs got blown up by AQ package bombs, and there’ll be less to go around.

And it hasn’t even snowed yet, which means that old Santa won’t even bother to show up personally; that he’ll be sending that creepy guy with the swords instead. And we all know what that means: it means we’ll be counting our fingers and toes on the day following.

1 comment:

  1. " he’ll be sending that creepy guy with the swords instead"

    Can you give us a hint? I might be interested in a creepy guy with a sword. :)
