Monday, November 8, 2010

Even As Everything Else Lies In Ruins

The unspoken voice in every region (of the world) is the U.S.’s It is the dog that isn’t barking. Every one of our foreign policy thrusts in recent years has failed precisely because we have refused to back it up with sufficient resolve, especially in terms of military power. In an effort to appease the anti-war crowd, we have hamstrung ourselves, bending our worldview into utopian hookah smoke rings. We have come to rely solely on empty rhetoric, endless negotiations, and paying out IOU bribes and/or ransom.

It’s all come to a head under Obama who will not even defend America’s political parties, its people and borders. He asserts time and time again that war is never an option; that we can and should not interfere; that our interference is (and always has been) intrinsically evil; that he will now lead by example; that we will disarm unilaterally; get out of the Middle East; continue to whittle down Israel’s defenses; and leave Asia to sort out its own. The planet can ultimately only benefit if mass slaughter should ensue.

We have boldly retreated from the world of Maya. If there are battles to be fought, they are to be fought here at home. We must accommodate the lecherous demands of thieves and tyrants. We must abandon our principles. We must surrender.

Any opposition to our new, progressive policy of appeasement must be severely dealt with; backbones surgically paralyzed. We must shun nationalism - especially our own. Tyranny is relative and will play itself out when one of the combatants - under spell of epiphany - voluntarily leaves the ring.

The world has noted the change. Though it’s been long in coming, under Obama it’s now official. This is why now all the would-be tyrants are making their moves. They’re out looting the granary while the going is good.

I’m not saying there’s not a kind of textbook elegance to what Obama believes. However, it’s a fiction. It can never be real. While the people can absorb a good fight for God and country, they will never stand idly by and watch their identity be trampled. In this, the leaders of Russia, Japan, China and Iran are far more ’democratic’ than our highly ‘enlightened’ ivory tower policy wonks. They are playing to their people directly, while we leave ours dangling over the abyss - with nothing to believe in; nothing to fight for or hold dear.

The end game is at hand. Both, the king and queen are in mortal danger. Once the queen is sacrificed, checkmate is at hand. Game over never involves the actual taking of the king. Obama is betting that this last convention will hold. He means to remain, even as everything else lies in ruins.


  1. Let my eyes stream with tears
    day and night, without rest,
    over the great destruction which overwhelms the virgin daughter of my people, over her incurable wound.

    If I walk out into the field,
    look! those slain by the sword;
    if I enter the city,
    Look! those consumed by hunger.
    Even the prophet and the priest
    forage in a land they know not.
    Out of the depths I cry to thee, O Lord!
    Lord, hear my prayer!
    Let thine ears be attentive to my supplications!
    If thou, O Lord, shouldst mark iniquities,
    Lord, who could stand?
    But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
    "Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

    Don't go there, Peter!

  2. They say the president still doesn’t get it; that the results of the midterms simply reflected a miscommunication. Miscommunication, my foot! You can’t sell socialism to Americans. Neither can you sell bloody revolution.

    Picture Obama selling apples from a stand in the village square. All his apples are rotten. No matter what he says, he isn’t able co convince anyone to buy his apples. Yet, Obama is not a dunce. There’s a reason he’s out there selling rotten apples. He doesn’t think they’re rotten. He’s determined to sell them; to make them seem attractive.

    How far will he go to sell his apples? Will he undertake to destroy the town’s food supply; will he poison the fields; burn the granaries - until Obama’s apples are all that’s left?

    Obama is out there selling socialism alright. How much of America does he have to destroy for Americans to embrace it? It looks to me that that’s where he’s going. Kill the electoral process; kill the courts; kill the press; the economy; America’s standing in the world; the military; Congress; education - what hasn’t he damaged in his brief two years in office? At this rate, the next two years should plow us under.

    The American people are doing their part. They are bravely withholding their support. They are dug in. They are in the trenches watching; hoarding their treasure - not daring to speak overtly. We are not a violent people. All we can do is wait, hoping that, when the waiting ends, it will not be too late.

    How long have the Cuban people waited? How long will Venezuelans have to wait? North Korea? Tibet? Zimbabwe? For all these, their fortunes will change. They always do. The question remains: How long?

  3. Peter, I agree 100% with everything you have said, and, just as I did, you probably anticipated exactly what his intentions were from the beginning. I can't tell you the number of people I tried to convince that he was a charlatan, not to be trusted. I agree totally that his intentions have always been to destroy our country. I lost friends over my refusal to support him, friends who had been my closest for more than a half century. I think I told you that I felt the ground shift under my feet when he was elected, and I knew that a great catastrophe had befallen our country.

    My post to you was intended (perhaps overly presumptuously) to be much more personal. I wanted to say, "Do not let him disturb your peace and cause you to lose hope." I don't mean in the nebulous, bland way that Glenn Beck, having no grounding, gives the same advice, but because I know that you think more deeply than that and because you are personally facing a very sad month or two ahead.
    When I think of our country being changed overnight, I remember the book I wrote for my pastor about the 108 Beatified Polish Martyrs, and what happened in Poland in 1939 to 1945. Talk about change! In less than a week's time, a country was obliterated, structurally, intellectually, culturally--for some, religiously. Schools were closed, churches destroyed, college faculties murdered, along with priests, bishops, nuns, whole congregations, whole neighborhoods, whole villages. Some lost hope. But some didn't. Some died in despair. Some died with forgiveness and love on their lips and in their hearts. Many gave their lives for others. When I said, "Don't go there", I meant, don't walk into despair. Don't abandon hope. If I was presumptuous, please forgive me, but it is what came into my mind when I read your post (along with the Psalms and Dante). Maggie

  4. I could pocket your compliment, smile, and walk away. But the truth is that I have learned a lot from Beck. He digs into things in a way no one else does. I too blush when he talks about God. I'm not sure why that is.

    No need to apologize. I can't hold anything you might say against you because I know it comes from a kind heart.
