Saturday, November 13, 2010

Waves: Nothing Is Happening

What everyone forgets is that '08 too was a 'wave'. The 'waves' seem to be getting bigger. '12 ought to be a doozy.

When the waves get bigger, it usually means there is a storm out at sea. People pray that it will pass them by. Still, fishermen will secure their boats. The local Home Depot will run out of plywood and the shelves at the grocery stores will empty.

It’s no different from political waves. Some are already certain that the storm will make landfall. They are now in the process of preparing for it. Others will continue to ignore the warnings. Still others will take their surfboards down to the beach for a thrill ride.

Most times the warnings are indirect - not at all like color depictions of diseased lungs on cigarette packs - it takes multiple leaps to arrive at a conclusion. Like Bernanke running the printing presses so hot, we can well expect the paper to catch fire. Like our own government’s severely restricted use of the word ‘enemy’ - barring all reference to our real enemies - and we coming to realize (belatedly, perhaps) that the enemy is us.

It’s become a minefield to navigate these waters. Plenty of opportunity for re-direction (diversion) to lead us astray. The way to do it, I suppose, is to step back - to take the long view of the battlefield. We’ve got the technology, the satellites. But even that’s uncertain in these troubled times. How is it that when we see the rockets’ red glare on both coasts, our government appears to have no clue as to what just happened?

They know alright. They just won’t tell us. It might embarrass the president. Go back to sleep. Nothing is happening.


  1. Dear Peter,
    I just saw your last post from way down at "Ruins", and I thank you for the compliment. I must give my husband the credit, however. He taught me, by example, what kindness is and how to exercise it. He is a very kind person, and that was a trait that was in short supply in my own upbringing. To him belongs the credit.

    I agree with you about Glenn Beck. I like him very much and have learned a great deal from him. I find it amusing that so many who claim to hate him have introduced in their own punditry the word "progressive". It is a political philosophy that had not been a topic of conversation for decades, and suddenly it has been reopened for exposure and discussion. The credit goes to Glenn Beck, and we can all be thankful for that. It reminds me of Jesus's parable about the guests who refused the landowner's invitation to his dinner party--too busy, too much to attend to, have to bury my father, can't be bothered. So the landowner sent his servants out into the highways and byways to bring in strangers to sit at his table. I think Beck was one of those strangers dragged in from the highway to the dinner to introduce a topic that nobody else had the time or interest to investigate. Regarding theological issues, we cannot fault him for what he doesn't know that he doesn't know and we pray that he will be led him to the right place, even if it takes a lifetime to do it.
    Our prayers continue for your mother.

  2. Just to let you know, I'm having computer problems. Don't know when these can or will be resolved. Until then will do very limited posting.
