Friday, November 5, 2010

The Man Who Died

My wife tells me that Obamacare has now reached India where she (and others) are busily engaged in editing the document. She is simply amazed by what has been written there. There is of course the mandated fine for anyone who may not choose to participate. But even more ominous is that doctors will now be required to write prescriptions for simple over-the-counter remedies. Talk about overwhelming the system! It takes practically an act of congress now to get any kind of prescription filled (especially on weekends), never mind the expense. If doctors are to be inundated with people hoping to purchase a simple bottle of Aspirin or package of band-aids, I can see no end to delay and confusion.

They say Obamacare will be rolled back by the new Congress; that the president himself will come to his senses and moderate his stance. I see no sign of it so far, primarily because his goal is and has always been to overwhelm and wreck the system(s).

All is in place as we speak to accomplish this. It extends far beyond health care. The dollar is at risk as well. Ditto, race relations; education; foreign policy… You name it. It’s all going down.

Meanwhile the president is off to India, a colorful and exotic backdrop for Obama‘s victory lap. (Just like the American economy, the midterms might have turned out worse.) Obama does not particularly care for India. India is not taken seriously by the West precisely because she poses no danger. Only 'dangerous' countries - like China and Iran - are taken seriously. The West's policy towards them is one of appeasement. As such India (and Israel) is seen merely as a bargaining chip, one that is happily sacrificed if it means that the West is allowed to live one more day. India will have to come to terms with the fact that she stands alone.

Even with America out of the picture, there will by no means be peace. The yellow man and the Muslim will not get along. America will be watching from the sidelines to find out to which stake she’ll be tethered - like the cock in D. H. Lawrence’s “The Man Who Died.”


  1. And then there is this from this morning's paper:
    "How will Greenfield respond in the future to the challenges of fuel shortages, climate changes or economic crises?
    "The Greening Greenfield Energy Committee and Second Congregational Church will host a movie and discussion . . . addressing those questions by showing the film "In Transition" and then holding a discussion about the concept of "Transitions Towns" worldwide movement to develop community responses to the changes confronting communities today, said coordinator . . ."

    Suddenly a movie is all written and produced and a "worldwide movement" is in place to address situations that may or may not come to fruition? No wonder conspiracy theorists abound.


  2. Peter, is Obama going to India to sell Obamacare to the Indians or have they already bought it and he's going just to clinch the deal?

  3. Indians have a pay-as-you-go system. I access it frequently. Everything costs about one tenth of what it would cost here. ...and most of the doctors - as here - are Indians.
