Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Liberals - 1; Conservatives - 0

January 8th, 2011

Urgent: Flash e-mail from the White House: A message from OFA (Organizing for America) national volunteer coordinators:

Dear Blogger: By now you’ve heard the news. Time to mobilize. What just happened in Arizona (where else?) is more than murder. This is our opportunity to invigorate some of our policy objectives. Target gun control and talk radio (Limbaugh, Beck, etc.). Target the internet and capital punishment. Target Palin. For suggestions, go to xxx@yyy.com for templates and suggestions.

Get busy. Support the cause. Support Democrats. Support your president. Prizes for the most e-mails sent.

Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
The above fiction is nevertheless believable. How else can we explain the current feeding frenzy in the press and on the blogs? Clearly, what happened was a personal tragedy for all those hurt and killed. Also clear is that it’s a stretch to involve people who had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

More than the wounding and murders themselves, the real tragedy is what immediately followed. I differ from Limbaugh in one important respect: Whereas he sees it as a one last-ditch desperate effort - a ‘Hail Mary pass', if you wish - by liberalism losing steam, I see it as only the beginning - the opening salvo of what we can expect for the next two years. The media and Democrats are scoring big.

This morning, ‘The Hindu’, Chennai’s hometown newspaper will carry Paul Krugman’s column entitled “Climate of Hate”. In it he implicates and smears everyone who does not agree with his radical views. Indians will read this and, hearing no other American voices, will shake their heads sadly. Some who have relatives abroad will send e-mails to caution them. They will warn them of the Tea Parties, talk radio, FOX, the GOP, Palin, Beck, O’Reilly, conservatives, etc. All this will be done out of genuine concern and in good faith.

Talk show hosts are feeling the need to defend themselves today. Their faithful - even if in the numerical majority of the population - agree with them. But as a part of the overall national narrative they remain marginalized. Their protestations sound somehow hollow as the ball continues to roll left.

Liberals - 1; conservatives - 0



  1. It's no surprise that the Arizona shooting brings out the gun-control crowd - the people who are determined that only criminals should have guns.

    Well, police, too, but I think there are more than a few who go with the British model (police don't carry guns).

  2. I had to go through hell and back to get a permit to carry a gun here in NJ, NY and PA. And I needed it for my job. If there had been anything indicating that I had ever so much as passed a psychiatrist in the street, my application (which btw needed to be renewed every two years) would have been shit-canned immediately.

    I'd like to know how Jared ever got a gun. Who vouched for him? Who did the background checks? Why did the military reject him? And what's up with all those stash houses where he is said to have lived? Where was the police when people reported him making threats? And what about those schools he attended (a part of the 'Small Schools Workshop’, a network of experimental teaching facilities in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama) where Jared learned to hate America?

    I think the press is barking up all the wrong trees. There are serious questions that need to be asked but, I guess, that’s too much to ask these days.
