Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's the Big Deal?

I honestly thought that this issue of Obama’s birth certificate had been put to rest; that only crazies - like the so-called 'birthers' - still were using it to make themselves interesting. All the more curious that it should show up on this blog when there is news far more pressing - like the terror bombing of one of Moscow’s two airports for instance.

What this shows is that we don’t really want this serial to end. The ending might scare us or leave us feeling uncomfortable. Or, we don’t really care either way. So what if he’s not legitimate? He’s president, isn’t he? He’s doing the job - going to work and all. What more could anybody want?

Reminds of the stories of dentists that crop up now and then after it’s been found out that they never studied dentistry and got their diplomas over the internet for twenty bucks. There’s always a hue and cry raised by the press about it and the culprit invariably lands in jail despite voluminous testimonials from satisfied customers. Or what about the semi-literate farmer who lived somewhere in the wilds of the Amazon, who was said to perform delicate surgeries with only his hands. And who was later declared a saint?

There would be no question about Obama’s birth if he had actually performed miracles during his first two years in office. There are, of course, still those who contend he has. And Obama himself may even be among these. Bringing the once mighty beacon of the free world to its knees was surely no easy matter.

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