Friday, August 28, 2009

Beck - Limbaugh

John - I don't even know where to begin. It's simply breathtaking how far off the mark you are on this one. Quit thinking parties! This isn't about Democrats vs. Republicans. What goes on in Washington is no longer of any consequence.
Only Washington and the boot-lick elites in the alphabet press care about Washington. Eric is right when writing, "The base of discontent is growing daily. It isn't a Republican base gathering against them (government). It is an American base." And who is out there giving this American base tactical support? Answer: Burlesque queens like Beck and Limbaugh.

Obama spends time blasting talk radio because he finds it threatening to his charade. His (essentially un-American) orientation, based on the concept of trickle-down power (as opposed to grassroots power), blinds him to his real problem. He sees talk show hosts as inciting their listeners to oppose him. He thinks that by taking them out, he's home free. He does not understand that people such as Beck and Limbaugh merely give voice to the public's concerns. He cannot understand that the public does not support what his administration is doing. He does not understand because he has never known what it is to be an “American” in the true sense of the word. (This has nothing to do with birth certificates).

And you, John, have it wrong when you think it’s just about ratings. Both Beck and Limbaugh are very mindful of the constant danger to themselves. Our current government is vengeful to the point of imbalance - and, still, extremely powerful. Both Beck and Limbaugh must routinely travel with security details in tow, even just to go down the street to the local 7/11. Either man could just as easily have chosen the Bill Maher route to easy stardom, making fun of Bush. …and both gladly would have, if the times had been different.


  1. Hey Pete:
    THe problem I have with Limbaugh is that he carries water for the GOP. At least Beck will criticize them as will Savage or should I say Weiner? :) I have to get back to responding on Batchelor's blog...He seems to be too in the middle lately. Is that a revelation, or by design?

  2. I think John's just trying to get us to react. I have no doubt he knows what's going on. BTW, I've always wondered why Savage seems to be the 'odd man out'. Professional jealousy, perhaps? Anyway, I'm glad that Beck and Limbaugh have gotten together.
