Saturday, August 22, 2009

Spectacle and Boot-Licking Idolatry

WHY is the question that leads to an ever closer approximation of truth. Since the truth is infinite, the number of times we can ask WHY is infinite as well. Within the context to your specific question, we can say that liberalism-Marxism-Communism-environmentalism-anti-capitalism is like a religion. It is purely faith-based. The fanaticism on the part of its devotees rivals the fanaticism that once drove the crusades and is now driving Islam. As with all religion, there is no rhyme or logic. Its tenets are blindly accepted. The elite of the movement/religion - Obama, Gore, Marx, imams, etc. - have the last word on any issue. Dissent or questioning is can never be tolerated.

There is an irony inherent in all this. Such rigid control of one's followers, usually by fascist-like tactics, betrays a deeply felt inadequacy. If some of the subscribers - who may not yet be totally brainwashed by spectacle and boot-licking idolatry - were to rise up and challenge the elites, they would either be quashed immediately by unnatural force (as in Iran) or they would require a period of time be able to whittle away at the system (as has happened in America).

The point is that the newspapers you have mentioned are propaganda mills, wedded to left-wing ideology. It does not matter to them that they're losing money; that people are not buying their swill; that they see themselves abased by the very essence of their illogical quest. They view themselves as martyrs for the cause which they themselves - if they have not been totally lobotomized - would have to agree is a farce. Yet they cannot help themselves.

It's like the emperor who parades around shamelessly naked and orders the removal of his subjects’ tongues so that they might not speak of what he himself knows to be true.

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