Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Still Crazy After All These Years

I really thought August would be quiet. Instead we see the sleeping tiger awaken. If the town hall meetings all over the country thus far are any indication, Americans now seem ready for bear. They are holding their elected representatives to account. The Left has begun scrambling to counter the onslaught with its own shock troops – ACORN and the like.

Americans have figured out that this is a war in which they stand to lose everything. They know they must fight back. Interesting that when the news media reports on ordinary citizens asking questions of their representatives, they are labeled as 'unruly mobs'. Whenever the Left organizes a demonstration or protest (even if property is damaged or destroyed), the media cannot contain its breathless gushing. Interesting too, that POTUS hasn’t commented. This means that he understands his position as commander-in-chief and has done his homework. Consider the following lines from SUN-TZU: The Art of War, written over 2000 years ago by a brilliant and experienced Chinese general named Sun Wu:

Warfare is the way of deception.
Therefore, if able, appear unable,
if active, appear inactive,
if near, appear far,
if far, appear near.

If they have advantage, entice them;
if they are confused, take them,
if they are substantial, prepare for them.
if they are strong, avoid them,
if they are angry, disturb them,
if they are humble, make them haughty,
if they are relaxed, toil them,
if they are united, separate them.

Interesting too, that POTUS, who has so much to say on every conceivable subject, is mute when it comes to the American people speaking out in opposition to his policies. He knows they (the people) are strong and seeks to avoid them.

The art of war is something the American people must learn to master as well. The Left has been at it for quite a long time. They have deliberately appeared unable and inactive. Now, that they are about to launch their final thrust into the heart of America, the people must parry if they hope to have a chance of saving themselves.

The people have the numbers, but they are still dazed and confused after the big sleep. They are disorganized and can still be divided: crazies on one side, moderates on the other. Anyone who may still be reluctant to join the ranks of the crazies, just think how nothing the Left ever proposes is called ‘crazy’. Let’s be proud crazy! Let’s wear it as a badge of honor and courage. Speak up at town hall meetings even if the words stick in your throat; even if your brain outpaces your tongue; even if emotion threatens to crush your composure. And if your mind should blank out, just say, “We want our country back!" They will understand what you mean. Besides it’s not about being crazy or not. That’s simply a ploy to get you to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Peter,

    I just returned from a 4 month drive through 19 states and I am telling you this is a great time to be in America (you're still in India, right?). Absolute strangers, most in blue states, started tentative conversations about America and the U.S. Constitution that turned passionate once they sensed a sympathetic ear. I had no bumper stickers nor clever t-shirt slogans...I just asked them, "Howzit going with you?" A firefighter, a missionary working a county fair, a retired lawyer, a campground owner, a laid-off GM executive, a plumber, a disabled vet, a grandmother...all seemed dismayed by what is happening in Washington.

    I'm going to D.C. for the 9/12 Taxpayers March on the just seems like the right place to be on that day. Wish you could join us. Some will shout, some will push but I will be there to quietly dig in my heels. There is more than one way to fight fiercely.

    Thanks for the great blogs...I can always return to your site for sanity, sensitivity to reason and
    well-crafted writing.

