Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sarah Palin's Bra Size

Ken - Our little, essentially meaningless, exchanges unmask a far more serious problem. For far too long in America every issue has been politicized to the point of where we've had gridlock. We can't even clear brush or plant a tree in this country without it becoming an issue so politically charged as to defy solution. Each side wants all or nothing - and what we've got for the past 50 years is exactly that - nothing: no energy policy; no health care policy; no immigration policy; no environmental policy; no fiscal policy, etc. We have been running on fumes for a long time.

I truly thought with the Left assuming power, especially without the constraints of a significant opposition in either congressional chamber, this problem of gridlock would go away. The Left consistently demanded concessions. The Right has consistently yielded. And slowly we've been moving to the Left. Now, logic would dictate that we really should have reached point where things, one way or another, are getting done. What is stopping the Left from ramming all their stuff through Congress? It's a mystery to me.

We can sit here and argue about individual issues. We can hurl invective and denigrate each other concerning anything from Sarah Palin’s bra size to the efficacy of building nuclear power plants. Those with overly sensitive or brittle egos will retreat just as long as it takes to formulate an even more virulent comeuppance. In this way, we beat each other to death – and, still, nothing is solved.

Again, a minor point, perhaps: My wife cares for autistic kids. She teaches them to pass mainstream exams and has been quite successful. I have personally met some of these kids and I can tell you categorically that using the term 'autistic' in a pejorative manner is wildly unfair.

Ken, I do respect your issues. These are not without merit and deserve serious consideration. I’m afraid that in our current political climate this is impossible. That’s why, come election time, we have to clear the decks and throw everybody the hell out. …and keep our fingers crossed.

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