Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Horse is a Horse, of course, of course...

Lou has it exactly right. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody sees, has it fallen? If a people speak out (and shout their discontent) and no one reports it, is there a sound? Obama says the economy is on the rebound despite an additional quarter million jobs lost last month. Pay no attention to the numbers; just hear what Obama says. He’s our messianic president, after all. Blog; move your mouth; produce sounds; gesticulate – it’s all for naught. IRRELEVANT. Rush (among others) has been screaming for years. And still we have Obama. Talk Radio – buffoons, clowns, each and everyone – IRRELEVANT! Their own words condemn them; their petty jealousies (backbenchers, Weiner Nation) make them IRRELEVANT.

What confirms relevancy these days? Not the frantic waving of diabetic limbs in front of TV cameras; not the wheezing voices barely propelled by failing lungs. What counts today are academic degrees; internationally accredited prizes (Nobel); raw blow-hard power, billie clubs and rubber bullets; not the well-dressed, swastika-carrying bleating of the dying. In the new world order only the useful have worth. Therefore, we must kill the aged early as well as the unborn. Abortion is not enough. An unacceptable number will still slip through. “Freeze the settlements” and, if a single one should still manage to see daylight, kill him or her with crushing debt.

We are told the planet screams under the burden of excess humanity. Therefore, let’s get rid of a part (or even most) of it. Let’s start with those most responsible for the present. Let’s turn the tables; give the others a chance, the ones who have been mute in the past; the ones who’ve been dependent on UN food aid shipments for the best part of the last 50 years; the ones who couldn’t bring a single seed to fruition or catch a single fish if their lives depended on it. In today’s world, ideology is everything; work means nothing. Anyone can be replaced by another warm body. The other day I read about a man being arrested because he was caught on a surveillance video having sex with a horse. Why even bother?

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