Thursday, August 20, 2009


It is indisputable that the strongest card the Dems had against Republicans was the war in Iraq (and, to a lesser extent, the one in Afghanistan). They were able to use it to weave a wide blanket with just this single thread to smother the Bush administration and render it ineffective. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, rendition, torture, etc. - all were played up to the hilt and given endless air and print. Cindy Sheehan became an effective spokesperson for the Democratic Party. Her tireless crusade, condemning war in general, was front and center in media coverage for a long time - the Left’s ceaseless attempt to rub the public's nose in the unpleasantness of armed conflict.

It has recently come to light through polling that Democrats no longer care about the wars. The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan appear to rank near the bottom of Democrat concerns. All, except Cindy Sheehan – and she has been told in no uncertain terms to ‘butt out’.

It seems Democrat opposition to the Iraq war was just a ploy which now at last has been exposed. Currently, high on the list of Democrat concerns is passing health care legislation. It does not take a genius to figure out that this new urgency too is a stunt that disguises something else. It is evident from what we have seen of the pending legislation that (first and foremost) it costs too much. Again, Democrats do not seem to care if the country goes bankrupt. In fact, they seem to welcome it. Neither do they seem to care how the stimulus money already authorized is spent. Most people taking advantage of the ‘cash for clunkers’ fiasco bought Japanese cars. And why are we giving 20 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil for drilling there?

As the evidence mounts that something untoward is afoot in Washington, the American people are speaking out, their voices muted by the vacuum of honest reporting by the media. I wonder how the 9/12 March on Washington will be spun? Dems will likely derive some measure of relief from the dismissive, cynical portrayal (betrayal) of whatever happens. They will continue to push ahead, disseminating Obama’s insane agenda by gavage. They will trumpet his victories (and partial victories) endlessly; they will decry his defeats. (Forgive my admittedly crude metaphor. I apologize beforehand to anyone it may offend.) With hard-core Democrats it’s very much like passing gas. If you don’t smell it, somebody else does.

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