Sunday, August 23, 2009

Representative Government Dead

What a gloomy assessment, John! And people call me names! Maybe I should change mine too? Some acronym suggesting some type of caryopsis or nut might be appropriate. I think it's simply for believing that all this was planned and not just a flock of black swans flying overhead, darkening the landscape. Planned or not, people - especially in America - can expect to see more change. It is what they voted for after all – change without limit. While the likes of Gadaffi, Abbas, Ahmedinejad and Chavez are openly gloating, the American people are being systematically stripped naked; disarmed, and shunted aside - financially. As power continues to shift to Washington, it is the masses that will be heard shouting (or wailing) into the wind.

Representative government has essentially ceased under Obama. Our elected officials have become merely TV side-shows - beauty queens, ventriloquists, all. Elections are meaningless.

Someone will present a bill calling for term limits. It will pass with great fanfare, but will be grandfathered and not apply to those currently in office. Thaddeus' seat is safe for the foreseeable future. It's the new guys whose faces will change like those in a deck of continuously shuffled Tarot cards.

The question remains: Who will (the American people demand) step forward to put an end to this madness? They cannot be expected to go it alone - leaderless. As each day passes, however, it seems more and more likely that the first lesson Obama wants us to learn is how to live as pawns in a feudal society, and like it.

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