Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Torture; torture; torture; etc

Torture; torture; torture; torture; torture; torture; water boarding; torture; torture; Bush; drill bits; torture; Cheney; Cheney; Cheney; Cheney; torture; torture; torture; torture; Torture, TORTURE; TORTURE; AMERICA TORTURES!!! Republicans torture. AMERICANS TORTURE; America is evil; AMERICA TORTURES. AMERICANS TORTURE. Americans torture the poor, angelic victims of Bush's evilness; America's evilness; torture; torture; torture....

Say it loud; say it proud, "America tortures!!!" It has a certain ring to it. "America tortures" - at least it did so under Bush. Bush is a criminal; so is Cheney; so are all those who don't agree with Obama - the town hall folks, for example. Obama doesn't torture. He just talks about it endlessly when he's in trouble at home - as with health care. Obama needs a bogeyman, a villain. Bush, Bush; Cheney; Bush, the torturer, the criminal; the lowest of the low; worse than Osama.

Torture, torture, say it often, say it loud. Print it in banner headlines; blare it from speakers. Write it on the walls: BUSH IS A TORTURER. Repeat: "Bush is a torturer!" ...and, by extension, all those who disagree (with Obama) are stained with the same mud.

---excerpts taken from Barry Hussein Obama's revised class (Columbia) notes, from a section under the heading, 'Propaganda'.


  1. I think the responsibility lies at the top of the administration that asked for torture to begin by renaming it as “enhanced interrogation techniques”, (even Ronald Regan, called the practice of torture “abhorrent”), is anyone surprised that Cheney is now crying about the investigations.

  2. What we're seeing is the word 'torture' being used to smear the previous administration. So far, it's worked somewhat. As more and more people wise up to the fact that it's just a word game, the Obama administration will have to start putting some of these people on trial.
