Friday, January 22, 2010

The Devil is in the Details

There are two glaring misfires in the clip above: First, the notion of the Obama administration needing a straw man to take to the woodshed and say what is what. This administration is the straw man and the lesson of Massachusetts that professional Democrats must take home is that voters have spoken and will continue to speak. “No confidence!” they shouted loud and clear, even from the most blue of blue bastions. The game plan can no longer be amended or tweaked. Even retreat is no longer an option. The troops have mutinied. There’s nothing left for the generals to do but resign in disgrace, for they no longer have an army.

The second is the notion that the banks are primarily at fault for what happened (and will continue to be at fault). Everybody knows by now that banking is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the country; that the banks essentially did what they were told by their government handlers (which was to by-pass normal banking procedures and give out loans to people who could not afford them; all, in the name of ‘social justice’). Banking is (as is every business in a free market) largely self-regulating; i.e. good business practices lead to just rewards, while bad business practices lead to failure. When an entity (such as the federal government or ACORN) steps in and subverts this organic process, the system fails. It then tries to compensate; but is hamstrung, unable to address the original problem - undue government intervention - and thereby sets itself up as the straw man for political party apologists (let’s face it, the entire ‘mortgage for free’ scheme was born and bred Democrat).

Stop any one on the street and ask them if they think there needs to be health care reform, they would tell you, ‘by all means’. Health care reform or no health care reform is not the issue. The devil is in the details. Do we use our mandate to do something about the too high cost of heath care to force a Marxist agenda, or do we just reform health care?

The same question could be asked with regard to banking. The people have spoken and they will continue to speak. They are saying that they would prefer this administration do nothing until adults can take over.

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