Friday, January 15, 2010

Spitting Into the Wind

This is exactly what happens when you have one-party rule. Success and failure can no longer be determined independently. These are defined by a single source only: the party. In fact, such terms as 'success' and 'failure' are struck from the national conversation. This is another way of saying that there is no longer a choice; that we are condemned to follow along the path put forth by the party. If that path should lead us off the cliff and the weather is clear and bright, and everyone can plainly see the abyss yawning ahead, the opportunity to opt out or take a detour is denied. We become victims; sheep; Jews herded into ovens. Who remains to stop them from doing anything? Why on earth would we give anyone so much power over us to begin with? Well, we’ve practically already done so.

This is a chance for us to roll it back merely by spitting into the wind; to show our opposition to what we have good reason to believe is happening - or at, least, express our reservations. Why would anybody throw that away – even if they agree with Obama; even if they hate Bush and Republicans to confound all reason - this idea of checks and balances? The latest polls show Brown up by 4. This is not enough. Brown must be up by enough so that ACORN’s fraud and the media's spin can't possibly make up the difference.

There will be plenty of fraud this time around. It will originate on the Democrat side. Under Barack Hussein Obama's leadership there are no systems in place to stem (election) fraud; to investigate; make it public; punish. Under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, the ends justify the means. Under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, the means represent anything that will serve to enslave the people of this once great nation to the whims of eternal malcontents; to tear it down; to castrate it; to present it as a bloody offering to the Darwinists who openly practice the tyranny of brutality around the world; those who grow pale at the mention of America as it once was.

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