Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selected, Not Elected

The weather, certainly, is not cooperating. I've taken note of the apologists. Could it be that it was only the sin of poorly chosen words that brought 'global warming' down? Could new verbiage resurrect the issue?

At one time, a significant number of breadwinners in our town worked for Bell Labs which would subsequently morph into Lucent, and then into Lucent-Alcatel. The grounds and the old buildings are unique and magnificent. The lobby has been nicknamed the ‘Darth Vader Building' because of its helmet-like roof. Inside it’s palatial, in the art deco style. Sadly, the place looks increasingly deserted.

Bell Labs in its heyday built the satellites that were launched in response to Sputnik. Its brain trust was legendary. This industrial complex was singularly responsible for the development and upkeep of at least three suburban towns. When I bought their stock, I honestly thought it couldn’t go any lower. I thought, by the sheer power of the good will and wishes of the three communities the fortunes of the company were sure to turn around. All it needed was good faith and time. Today, my investment is worth one-tenth what I paid for it. Naturally, I never sold. Visually alone, the edifice seems too big to fail.

The Left too has bet heavily on the ‘global warming’ hoax. They didn’t know it was a hoax, of course. They thought of it as just another justification for imposing their ideology on the rest of us. Even now that the whole thing has been exposed as a fraud, they are still unwilling to let it go. They’re ignoring the damning revelations and pretending it never happened. They’ve had considerable support from the media of course.

As the goal of the Left is to completely re-make America into a communist Utopia, they had hoped to forestall or even avoid the obligatory revolution with the ‘global warming’ gambit. People, they thought, would be quite willing to go along with having to cede their property and liberty to the State if it meant saving the planet from certain destruction. That fig leaf is now gone. The revolution, when it comes, is apt to be the old-fashioned kind; one, in which heads roll.

The Left is hoping it will have built up enough resources to end up on top after the dust has settled. One thing is for certain; their final thrust must come soon. With Barack Hussein Obama in office and Democrats controlling both legislatures, there might never be another chance to set the whole thing in motion. It must happen now and it must be for keeps.

Should the ‘global warming’ ploy fail spectacularly, there are other irons in the fire. The amputation will proceed, but now quite possibly without anesthetic. The single most useful event is for the American economy to collapse. There might also be an international incident requiring lock-downs at home. There might be domestic uprisings by obstinate citizens (or it could be made to look that way) that could postpone or cancel elections. There could be election fraud so audacious that no one would dare question it. Why would you think our elected representatives appear no longer to respond to our wishes? While we shout ourselves dry, threatening to turn them out of office, why do they seem so unconcerned? Could it be they know something we don’t?

Who will remain to question what the dictator wants after tongues have been surgically removed by government health care workers? Who will dare to go up against Him? Who would be brave enough to stand up and say, “I was intimidated at the polls.” Who would complain about a slate of loser opposition candidates? The words for the election ruse already exist: ‘selected not elected’. It didn’t stop Bush (or Karzai). You can bet the farm, it won’t stop Obama.

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