Sunday, January 10, 2010

On tap: Massive Government Hiring

Nobody is buying American party politics anymore. That's why I personally throw every mailing from the RNC into the trash without opening it. That's why I delete every e-mail from same unread. I'm tired of seeing people doing bad things to this country going unpunished. The closest thing I hear to it is 'Bush-Cheney' with an occasional 'Rumsfeld' thrown in for good measure. Go ahead! Punish them if they were so bad! String Bush up in the market square without a trial, for all I care. But put down some rules for God's sake!

Watching the Sunday shows I now understand how the Obama administration will try to tweak the employment numbers in his favor: massive government hiring. There's, of course, the census workers; a massive health care bureaucracy will also be needed. Then, this week came the news that anyone preparing tax returns will need to be government certified. I think that would make doing your own taxes illegal. There might be a fine or jail, similar to not having health or car insurance. I understand that government centers would need to be set up to accommodate those of us who pay taxes. This too would involve massive hiring.

No, I wouldn’t give a plug nickel to either party at this point. First, because I’m tapped out; and, second, because both parties appear to be pretty much the same. Right now they’re simply playing the ‘good cop/bad cop’ routine. I don’t hear the Republicans shouting, “Fire!” I don’t see them offering alternatives; I just don’t see them at all. Now it could be (and we should never discount this; it remains a huge problem) that whatever Republicans say does not get reported. I still see the basic MSM narrative as casting Republicans as racist and obstructionist (while all Dems are absolute angels). In fact, Republicans have been pushed out of the spotlight all together. All the political action is between the far Left and the fringe Left.

This poses a difficult problem for Republicans: Despite the outrages the Dems are committing every day, Republicans too are despised especially by their base. The likes of Gingrich and Powell are hated almost as much as Pelosi and Reid. Enter a third (Dobbs) party; and Democrats win again. Makes you wonder who exactly is fueling the third party movement.

By the way, want to know how it is the Dems have so much money? Extortion and outright theft.

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