Sunday, January 3, 2010

Serious Enough

From the evening of December 24th to the 6th of January it's been a tradition at our house to put electric candles in the windows. We generally turn the candles off at around 12 midnight.

Sometimes, especially around the holidays, my brother comes up on weekends to spend the night. In order to avoid traffic, he generally leaves his house late. When I'm expecting him, I'll still turn off the candles before going to bed, but I'll leave the one in the kitchen window (that’s facing the driveway) on for him. When my brother does arrive in the wee hours of the morning, I can expect him to turn this one off as well.

It has happened that my brother never arrived at all; in which case the kitchen candle is still lit when I get up in the morning. As the temperature outside often drops below freezing at this time of year, there'll be a halo against the frosted window where the candle had shone. It’s the only window - in a house with 27 windows - that exhibits this obvious feature.

Now, one could ignore it altogether; or one could take note of it without being curious; or one could investigate as to why this should be so; say, at nine-thirty in the morning (after all the candles have been turned off). It should be relatively easy to walk it back and reconstruct exactly what happened and why.

I cannot understand this insistence by otherwise intelligent people in our country who continue to claim that Barack Hussein Obama is a friend of the CIA; of the military; of capitalism; of America itself, when indeed all clues point to the contrary. It’s exactly like saying, "we know there’s global warming (because a little birdie told me); now let’s go out there and prove it scientifically. But, oh my! The factual data disproves our theory. What to do now? I know: we’ll simply fudge the data; we’ll outright lie if we have to. One way or another, we’ll prove that there’s global warming and that mankind is the cause of it and that the very exhaled breath of human beings puts the entire planet at risk and therefore 80% of the planet’s people will have to be eliminated; and therefore, for the first time in history we will have managed what has never been done before: justified mass murder on moral grounds. God we’re good!"

Same with Obama. Look at the evidence of all that’s happened since Obama has assumed office. Look at all the stuff that’s come out about him: his beliefs; his associations; his appointments; his actions, past and present. And you still think he’s not a Leftist? A Marxist? A fascist? That he just loves the military, capitalism, freedom and America to death?

So, when things go wrong, we use phrases like ‘amateur’ to describe him; like ‘not ready for prime time’; or if we really feel like being cruel, ‘inept’.

No, folks. It’s deliberate! And we all know it, even if we can’t get ourselves to say it yet. All the evidence is there - iust like the circle on my kitchen window that tells a wider tale. And it’s serious. Serious enough to start thinking about impeachment.


  1. Peter,

    Are we the only people who seem to feel impeachment is in order at this point? The recent Interpol Executive Order did it for me. Please advise if you hear of any viable, executable plan to put this President on trial for not protecting the Constitution.

  2. Babs,

    I hesitated for a long time before typing the word. It was easier to talk about impeachment in connection with Clinton. Clinton only needed his knuckles rapped - mostly for his own good. The country did not appear to be in danger. Today it's the real thing. Obama is more than a menace. He must be removed. We all know it. And yet we are reluctant to say it.

  3. I'll say it. I'll say it out loud. I'm scheduling appointments with my Congressman and Senators to discuss the misconduct of this President who disregards the Constitution he took an oath to defend and protect. I will ask them how an impeachment process can be initiated.

    As for Clinton, I disagree with you. As chance would have it, I was living overseas during the intern debacle and found myself once again trying to explain why Americans did not demand a president resign after violating the unwritten, but very real, ethical code of the Oval Office. Yes, I was also living overseas during Watergate when the Saturday Night Massacre was a single paragraph story in the Dunedin, New Zealand newspaper.

    Our country is in the greatest danger when there is little or no expectation of TRUTH in political, commercial or personal relationships. Every social contract requires the truth...without it there is no trust and thus, nothing to hold us together.

  4. Good for you! It's come to the point when it needs to be shouted from the mountain tops: IMPEACHMENT! Don't know if you read my opinion a while back in which I traced all our present problems to the Bill Clinton disgrace. If Republicans hadn't failed us then, we likely wouldn't have Obama today. Neither would we have had him if Clinton had managed to keep his pants zipped in the first place. I'm actually surprised I haven't heard anybody else make the connection.

    Let me know if you haven't seen it. I'll post it again.

  5. Please post again...I only discovered you and your wisdom recently.
