Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A New Leaf?

The Democrat Party today is controlled by its radical left-wing fringe. If the election of Scott Brown, Republican, to the late, great Liberal Lion's Senate seat yesterday tells us anything, it's that Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, are painfully aware of it. Americans seem to have found a new appreciation for the fact that continuing on its present course, America, as we have known her, will cease to exist; so much so, that they are no longer willing to indulge the simplistic sports logic of winning and losing when it comes to an existential threat to our nation. In predominantly, proudly blue Massachusetts, liberals have put their natural, superficial bias aside and voted for the Republican. The only thing that could have brought this about is a feeling of immanent danger. Even in the darkest days of the Bush administration I have never heard so many radio ads for gold and food insurance. Gun and seed sales are through the roof. Employers are not hiring. Consumers are not spending. Businesses are not expanding. All these are signs of a population that is no longer confident of its future.

The radical left-wing of the Democrat Party is actively destroying our country bit by bit. The jury is still out on whether it's being done deliberately or is simply a by-product of sheer and utter incompetence. Either way, it's happening. The media is still spinning ‘happy thoughts’. So, it’s not a function of media propaganda that’s causing this general sense of alarm. If one puts any credence in Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of ‘morphic resonance’, one would see that that the unease our people are feeling is well-founded and palpable. It can no longer be dismissed. My own sense is that that the danger is real, all the more so because people feel that what’s happening is deliberate; that our nation has been hijacked by radicals bent on its destruction; that the promise of ‘change’ was merely subterfuge for the real intent of bringing the nation to its knees; to present it to it’s enemies as a bloodied scalp; a sacrifice to the forces that would celebrate the destruction of all that we have managed to build.

Hugo Chavez is a flamboyant example of the enemy, as is Ahmadinejad of Iran. There are others, many within our own borders. They will stop at nothing to achieve their aims. No compromise will satisfy them. They are out for no less than the sacrificial blood of our nation.

From what I’ve heard, yesterday’s election result means nothing to them. They are quite prepared to forge ahead. ‘Double down’ is the tem I’ve been hearing over and over again. ‘Double down’ and ram through health care. ‘Double down’ to pass cap and trade. ‘Double down’ to pass immigration reform; stimulus II; etc. ‘Double down’ on Israel; on collapsing the dollar. ‘Double down’ on imploding democracy as a viable option in governance. ‘Double down’ on the people who dare to stand in the way (which now includes practically the entire nation).

It won’t be long before we know which way the worm turns. Some say, the Obama administration will now be forced to moderate. I, personally, have my doubts. I think it will ‘double down’ and there’s a good chance that we will yet realize our deepest fears.

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