Monday, January 18, 2010

If John McCain Would Be President Now

The narrative of America as exploiter and oppressor is as much a myth as ‘global warming’ ever was. It has worked so effectively for America’s enemies that even with palpable proof to the contrary, they are loath to let it go lest America’s convenient standing as global pariah be diminished in any way.

We now see a concerted effort by the Ummah, Venezuela and others to attack America’s motives in its humanitarian effort in Haiti. It is and will be a difficult task for months to come and, as the days drag on, it will only get more difficult. Every set-back will be noted and broadcast widely and laden with blame; every triumph will be marginalized. The same strategy was in play during the Bush administration. In the end, we can expect either to be sued by Haiti’s earthquake survivors for gross malfeasance, or face trial for war crimes in The Hague. (By the way, is it true that the marines’ guns in Haiti aren’t loaded?)

As most anti-American rhetoric originates in America itself, where it is scripted and disseminated by highly organized Leftist groups (concentrated primarily in academia, unions, and the media), we will thankfully be able to avoid the worst of it thanks to our current president. Even the most rabid America haters find themselves painfully divided. On one hand they see Barack Hussein Obama as their best hope of bringing this once great country to its bloody and shattered knees; on the other, they are an impatient lot, wondering what is taking him so long.

Just a thought: What do you think would happen if Rush Limbaugh went on air today and openly called for the people of Massachusetts to commit election fraud? I’d expect he would not be doing his show tomorrow. And it would be right. Yet, the Left in this country can get away with anything. We’ve become immune to its outrages. We no longer hold them to account. We dismiss even criminality when anyone of the card-carrying Left is involved. Go down the list and see how often it’s happened. You think mere lies about our soldiers in Haiti (and elsewhere) and their reason for being there would draw condemnation from anyone? Just imagine what would have been said if John McCain would be president now!

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