Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are Both Parties Dead?

The question to be answered by every voter is, "Are both parties dead?" There is enough evidence to indicate that this is indeed so. The next question is: “Can we afford to start from scratch; to plan, nurture and organize a new party into existence?” The answer is decidedly no.

The Democrat Party, which is now the Socialist Mop Party (SMP), is threatening to sweep our country into the ash heap of history (and us along with it). We must act now! Granted, the Republican Party has pretty much kept silent during this time of crisis. This gives the impression of it being sorely ineffective - complicit, even. Still, it must be said, Republicans do not seem as determined to cast us upon the jagged shoals of feudal servitude and personal bankruptcy.

There's not much time. We must go into battle with what we have - a dispirited party of losers. Perhaps, with some combination of threat and encouragement, we can goose them back to some semblance of strength. Perhaps we can salvage the GOP mantle and some of the elements of its structure and animate the carcass with our own desperate need to preserve what we have worked so hard for. Perhaps this would suffice to frighten our enemies - the jihadis; the communists; the nihilists; the dreamers; the one-worlders; the Utopians; the narcissists; the thieves; the charlatans; the liars; the soulless - just long enough to delay their final assault.

It's day to day now. Each weekend evening we can count among our blessings with John Batchelor's dulcet tones to accompany us is a gift. Pray that the tsunami unleashed by the Obama election will not be sufficient to destroy the elemental precepts of our civilization.

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