Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cowering Before Midgets

Only by listening to the John Batchelor Show can we hope to understand how the geopolitical plates connect. The idea of proxy wars fought by client actors is not something the MSM is very good at conveying. For them, the automatic hand-off is invariably back to America in order to prove their point that everything is America's fault - or, to be more precise, everything is the fault of America's Republican administrations.

Even though this template cracks time and time again from persistent misuse, the MSM will not give it up. They are as if enslaved, consumed by the notion of guilt which, they pompously feel, only they have the power to adjudicate. As they lack both the knowledge and the power to see beyond themselves, they keep harping on the same straw dog, not realizing that no one can realistically assert with certainty the innocence of anyone; that every man must testify to the crimes of all others; that cowering before midgets solves nothing – for the only real sin is the sin of surviving in a world where everyone else is doomed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Peter:
    I have thought of this as well, and when it comes to foreign affairs, Obama is 180˚ from TR or RWR. It's like the elephant cowering before the mouse. Why? I think the left is more concerned about what other countries think of us and they want approval, they want to be loved. It's a recipe for getting pissed on. While I don't want to use fear to motivate and persuade in every instance, it is one tool in the tool box that has to be there. Without it, no one gets respect.
