Thursday, November 5, 2009

Single-Issue Diversions

In response to the Catholic bishop's opposition to abortion funding as outlined in the Health Care bill:

This is just the latest attempt to stop this thing or (at the very least) to slow it down. People from all walks of life know that, should this bill ever reach the president's desk, it would do irreparable damage to the very foundation of what it has meant to be American. Symbolically, this attempt by the Obama administration to take over one sixth of the economy can be compared to the Taliban training their guns on the Bamyan Buddhas.

I’ve been accused of being intemperate in my comments, especially in regard to comparing the Obama administration to the Taliban. I feel it is not enough to oppose this administration on single issues such as abortion, for example. By doing so, one would be implying that everything else this administration does is alright and perfectly acceptable. It also puts one in the position of being forced to horse trade, like, “we’ll agree to take out abortion funding but you, in return, will no longer oppose us on immigration reform, ‘cap and trade’, etc.” when, in fact, nothing this administration has done and proposes to do is acceptable. Everything is designed to bankrupt the nation; to diminish our influence in world affairs; to dismiss the idea of ‘American Exceptionalism’ in its entirety. Many of us now realize that we are being driven down to a place where the center cannot hold; that the ultimate result that this administration appears to favor is utter and complete chaos.

Look at Afghanistan: utter and complete chaos, corruption and fear. Once our own situation reaches a point where it would take a wheelbarrow instead of a wallet to buy a tank of gas or a pack of cigarettes, you will find out how fast civil society unravels. I have heard nothing from this president that would in any way indicate that he is not totally committed to pursuing some horrific version of the Marxist revolution on our own shores.

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