Friday, November 20, 2009

Breaking the Cycle

We've got to break the cycle, John! This is not breaking the cycle. It all started with Bill Clinton who disgraced himself, and the Democrat Party that decided to defend the indefensible. After Bill, George W. absolutely had to be destroyed in order to save Bill's legacy and his party's viability. They succeeded with smoke, mirrors, and lies oft repeated in classic propaganda style. The Dems could have put Daffy Duck on the ballot - and they practically did.

The American people had no clue as to how bad it could actually get until Obama came along. Now they know. They also know it can still get much worse. At this point too, the Republicans could put Daffy Duck on the ballot and he would win overwhelmingly. The Dems are done. They will not be effective in the next go-round. Never has a political party been so obtuse to the wishes of the voters. It seems, quite like Kamikaze pilots, they are absolutely determined to go down in flames.

Don't get me wrong, I think Sarah Palin is a fine person. Under normal circumstances, she'd make a fine chief executive. But these are not normal times. We are all collectively in intensive care. We need our wounds to heal from the accumulated damage of three successive administrations. We cannot afford a fourth fatally wounded administration to continue our drift.

At this time, I see no one out there who can withstand the slings and arrows of a vicious Left. I see no one who can resist being seduced by the gossamer illusions of Hollywood. We've got ourselves a situation here, much like exists on the Palestinian side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. How long would you think an honest Palestinian bloke would last getting up on a soap box in the market square, saying what the majority of Palestinians must be feeling in their hearts?


  1. Peter:
    I hate to say it couldn't be worse, but we have a less than one term senator as president and he never had P/L experience. Talk about on the job training. The thing about Sarah is that I do not think she has the hubris Obama does and would probably be willing to listen to those around her that are more informed. Obama thinks he can do it all.

  2. Guy, They'd tear her to shreds. Christ, we've got our own team tearing her up! I don't doubt she could get elected; anybody could at this point. It's what comes after that that counts. I can't see Sarah handling that kind of pressure. Hell, Bush couldn't do it. He folded like a cheap camera. The pressure will be worse next time around - because they're smelling blood in the water.

  3. If that is the case, may be you and I should run. :)

  4. We'd make a great team, wouldn't we? A dose of sanity in Washington would surely kill it. We'd have to look for a new spot. I always liked it out West. Not quite as far as California though. Utah seems about right.
