Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We Won, They Lost

Obama has the facts alright - the facts he wants (us) to believe. In order for ideologies to survive, they need to be supported - if not with facts, then with lies. To our president, the only evil that has ever existed in this world is us. It is we who rape and pillage the planet; it is we who drop bombs and make war; it is we who live off the exploitation of the world's poor.

And we ourselves have gone along with it, happily spitting on the success and prosperity our forefathers have wrought, glibly casting their effort and sacrifice in the same light as our own sloth; ennui; nausea and nihilism. Therefore, it becomes possible for us to say that the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki took little thought – like deciding to have an abortion or taking the garbage out.

Above all, it highlights the utter and profound disdain these people have for the nation that’s given them all she had to give – even the platform from which to ridicule her. I am not surprised that with new display of our leaders soiling themselves publicly on the global stage, our people’s outrage grows. It will reach a point where not even the state-sponsored media will be able to air-brush it away.

By the way, I think it is wrong to attempt to justify any war action in terms of soldiers lost as opposed to the soldiers that might have been lost. It’s the same algebra that Obama uses to justify copious spending in order to justify jobs ’saved’. What matters in war is WINNING, and only that.

There are always those who will contrive a rhetoric to blame America first for anything and everything. They represent the squeaky wheel that should at worst be no more than tiresome. The point is, WE WON/they lost. We have nothing to be ashamed of. When winning becomes the source of one’s shame, a civilization lapses into irrelevance.

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