Friday, November 6, 2009

The Fear of Offending

The government-media complex is lying to us, as usual. Even B. Raman's analysis (above) uses the word 'suddenly' (as opposed to premeditated), attempting to give the impression of a lone, wildly unhinged psychotic - definitely no conspiracy; no outside support. Except there are a couple of facts that put the lie to that particular speculation: (1) The shooter was reported to have given away many of his perishables before the rampage, and (2) He obviously had guns with live ammunition. Where did he get them?

Apparently too, he'd been making comments for months that should have alerted the brass to a possible problem with this man. But, because of political correctness (now awash even in the military), no sensible precautions were taken. We are paralyzed by the fear of offending the enemy. And this has been the crux of our problem all along.

We've allowed the enemy to write our rules of engagement. This is the real conspiracy. We've conspired against ourselves. We've agreed to observe the double standard that dictates that the enemy is always right, and we are always wrong. Al Qaeda; the Marxists; the Liberation Theologists; the (Socialist) Democrats; the corrupt politicians (of all stripes); the bankers and arms merchants - all must be having a mighty good laugh quite literately at our expense. We - the mules; the work horses; the ones that pull all their wagons in grand style over the sun-baked skulls of the third-world expendable populations - are forever guilty, simply for enjoying our little pleasures.

Every other night there's a party in the White House while we're sitting at home counting our pennies. Adding insult to injury we're told that 13 unarmed soldiers were killed in cold blood by a Muslim Major with a ‘troubled mind’. And this too is our fault. He was observed to have yelled "God is great!" before pulling the trigger, thereby summoning the 72 virgins he had been expecting to greet him on passing. Is that why they're keeping him alive (instead of feeding him to the dogs); to deprive him of his just reward?

1 comment:

  1. Peter, when you wrote, "We've allowed the enemy to write our rules of engagement," you sound like Jack Bauer. The thing is, he's right. And so are you.
