Monday, November 16, 2009

Curtain of Deceit

Only persons with no stake in this earthly existence can in clear conscience fail to appreciate the difference between a (mental patient) suicide bomber and a Dalai Lama or Pope who are more than willing to offer their good offices in an effort to ease religious tensions around the world.

Whether one wants to believe it or not, there really are those in whose interest it is to actively promote strife. In religious terms they could be classified as demonic or evil. Some sell arms; some direct armies; others are in the throes of some version of a death wish. Many, if not most, carry U.S passports.

They all profit hugely from war (or the threat of it), funded by Marxist sycophants whose manifesto clearly advocates and glorifies constant revolution and bloodletting with the same zeal with which some of us are asked to advocate and glorify the sacrament of abortion.

The end of armed struggle would put them all out of business. While politicians sit on their fences, counting their campaign donations, the hate merchants’ influence, regrettably, grows stronger every day. Already, it has acquired sufficient clout to overrule any chance for peace that a clear majority, living in any one of the various global trouble spots, might dare to hope for.

The day will come when Obama’s name will be synonymous with Mao, Pot, Stalin, Castro or anyone else on the left side of the ledger you care to mention, for the pendulum is bound to swing back. On that day Tibet will be free, as will the good people of N. Korea and Iran… for tyranny can never be more than transient.

Marxism and religion are diametrically opposed as religion consistently and paradoxically imbues the weakest link – children and the aged – with (divine) power, while shunning coercion that benefits only the few who manage to hide the stain of corruption behind a curtain of deceit.

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