Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Warmist E-mail Scandal

Another, perhaps fatal, blow to academe, science, media, and government’s credibility in general. Another step towards out and out chaos in which no public voice can be trusted. How close we are to a revolution in this country!

However, these things can only come to pass if no one is held to account. I’m not talking about coming to some vague consensus in which it is agreed that everyone is guilty (as we have happily done with regard to our financial problems, for instance). I’m saying that, specific people have to be held accountable for the crime of willfully disseminating false information for political and financial gain. They have to be named and investigated. A verdict needs to be rendered and a punishments handed down. Al Gore’s name might well be at the top of that list.

But just the opposite is happening. I picked up my ‘free’ paper from the bottom of our driveway this Thanksgiving morning. (It’s the same paper we canceled better than two years ago.) I open it up and there’s an article about how ‘global warming’ can affect the food supply adversely. Last week, ‘The New York Times’ called for the hacker/whistleblower’s head(s). The now real possibility of fraudulent scientific data having been knowingly disseminated is not what troubled the ‘Old Gray Lady’ at all.

JB says that ‘the warmist e-mail scandal (still) has months to go’. I don’t think it’ll take quite that long for it to get swept completely under the rug. The MSM will ignore it and continue with its polar bear stories. Teachers in schools will continue to teach about those dreaded carbon footprints. President Barrack Hussein Obama will go to Copenhagen and commit us to policies that will reduce our carbon emissions and curb our economic activity – in short, just like 9/11 never happened as it did; just like our financial meltdown never happened as it did; just as we never elected a Marxist to the highest office in the land as we did, this too shall pass.

History is written by the winners, and the Left has won. And if, despite the best efforts of the MSM, this particular issue should persist and prove troublesome to this administration’s efforts to tax the country and all its future generations into feudal servitude, we can always declare ‘global warning’ skepticism a ‘hate crime’ and lock ‘global warming’ skeptics into the same loony bin along with ‘holocaust deniers’. Come to think of it, that would likely require that we make an exception for Iran’s Supreme Leaders.

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