Friday, November 13, 2009

Death Penalty

Once again, a blizzard of contradictions swirls around a decision reached by the current administration. It is difficult to see any upside to anything that might result from trying KSM in a NYC Federal Court.

In mathematics, any inconsistencies and/or discrepancies can always be resolved from the reach of the next higher dimension. So too, POTUS’ reasoning can be discerned by asking, “Why?” Already we see red flags emerging in watching Obama comment on the decision from oversees havens, essentially saying, “No comment. Eric Holder is handling it.” This means that, should anything happen to warrant blame, Holder becomes the guy who will be asked to fall on his sword.

Why, indeed! To me it’s quite consistent with what’s been happening from the start of this presidency. Many people, particularly the MSM, are not quite ready to admit it yet lest they get egg on their Botoxed faces – which just goes to prove that the Himalayan sage was right when he proclaimed that ego is the last thing that one gives up when faced with certain death.

Obama wishes first and foremost to destroy America. He is well on his way to having accomplished just that with regard to America's economy. He is working on the destruction of representative governance; education; private industry, energy; strategic (foreign) alliances… there are others I could list. The big item remaining, however, is the military which would include the intelligence services.

A public trial will bring out the inner workings of the CIA and make them public. It will also rekindle the debate about waterboarding and torture - all of it, designed to make the military look bad and ineffective. There are those who suggest it will outright destroy the viability of the CIA. It will also spur the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld haters to renew their demand to put the entire Bush administration on trial for war crimes. And ultimately it will give the blame-America-first Left a platform from which to spew their venom which may just be enough to result in a “not guilty” verdict.

KSM has already admitted guilt. He has asked to be martyred. Why we need a (circus) trial at all is a mystery. Unless, of course, it's to put the U.S. on trial and establish guilt there as well. It then becomes a game of deciding who bears the greater guilt. Would the death penalty apply to the U.S. as well?

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