Monday, November 30, 2009

Sorry; No Longer Possible

The seemingly unstoppable liberal agenda (including health care) can hardly be said to be threatened by conservatives. It is threatened by itself and, most of all, by the growing credibility crisis in our nation. Every week, it seems, we find out that our government as well as our institutions have been lying to us all along. As each lie is painstakingly uncovered and documented; or implodes under its own foul weight, the proponents of said lies paint their critics as liars. And so it goes...

Most Americans have gotten the message that truth has become one of the first casualties in our culture wars. The elite media, with its megaton megaphones can no longer contain the fissures and leaks consuming the American landscape. What to do? Run stories about celebrities and gate crashers; and censor the other stuff; sweep it under the rug and smear the ones who dare mention it.

Those most affected are the poor. They've been lied to from the beginning. With Obama, they were led to believe, their salvation was at hand. When will they figure out that they've been led along the garden path; sold a bill of goods; taken for rubes; taken for granted, etc.? When will they turn on their slave masters? When will they stop believing their lies and discover for themselves the unlimited potential that lies within them? When will they recognize the disparity between Obama’s lifestyle and their own? At what point will they say, “Hey, this is not working; let’s try something different next time?”

Probably never. Like India, America has a caste system. The poor in America are born into poverty and are destined to stay there as long as they live. The workers are born into slavery and will stay there as long as they are able to negotiate a tool. The gangsters are born into gangs and will stay there as long as they have the stomach for killing. The rich are born into wealth and will choke on its excesses as long as they have the ability to eliminate. That much is a fact of life in America and elsewhere. The Obama administration is there simply to ensure that everything will get decidedly worse for all, across the board; while the overall percentages remain fixed.

Leadership has failed in America. Competence has been shut out of the process. Pseudo-leaders have filled the vacuum with empty promises and ideology. All the rest are barred from participating. Corruption has taken the place of power. We are Afghanistan. We are Palestine; Pakistan; Zimbabwe; Venezuela; Saudi Arabia; Somalia and every other failed state on the planet. We are a bankrupt bag of puss. Punch it, and it bursts open, polluting everything around it.

At least the Jihads know what they want: world domination – nothing less. Their aim could not be clearer. We, on the other hand, want nothing. Some shout, ‘We want our country back!’ Back to what? What is it we want? To turn back the clock? A chicken in every pot? The love of all those we have long ago abandoned? Respect?

Sorry. No longer possible. The road stopped back at the cliff where we all collectively decided to take the leap …into nothingness. Dress it up in Christmas lights and dazzling strands of piano wire; an illusory display just beyond the reach of most grasping mortal men; vindictive men (and women) who see every other man as an enemy that must be destroyed – even the unborn. How have we come to this?

And so we’ve made it our life’s work to destroy ourselves without any thought as to what will take our place; without the effort of writing a will; planting a seed, or charting a course for others to follow.

‘We’ll fix it – really, we will. The next time we step into a voting booth,’ we promise ourselves; again, looking for the easiest way out; the path of least resistance – quite without having learned the lesson from the last time we faced it: that pulling the lever - like pulling a trigger – can be for keeps.

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