Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I propose that ‘blame-shifting’ be included as a legitimate sport in the next Olympic Games. It has been endlessly practiced for decades by the Arabs who have sought to excuse their own failed leaderships and blame Israel and the United States for any and all their problems. In addition, it has been routinely used by South American dictatorships to justify their corruption and brutality.

‘Blame-shifting’ did not become popular in U.S. politics until the Clinton-Gore Administration. Before that, it had generally been understood that “the buck stops here” (meaning, ‘at the President’s desk’), along with now such quaint and outdated notions like “politics stops at the water’s edge”.

Clinton was the first to introduce the sport to the political leagues. Every former president and every founding father was smeared in order to show that what Bubba did wasn’t so bad. Then, during the George W. Bush administration every human failing was dropped on the White House. To his credit, Bush seldom responded. In fact, I cannot remember a single time Bush bothered to deflect or counter a single criticism or accusation.

The Obama administration brought ‘blame-shifting’ back into vogue big time. Nothing is this president’s fault. Most domestic and foreign policy failings still remain the previous administration’s fault, while the balance can be blamed on America and its racist Constitution in general.

Maybe the Olympic committee, in its infinite wisdom can take a cue from the Nobel committee and award Barrack Hussein Obama the gold medal in ‘blame-shifting’ before the fact. It’s difficult to imagine anyone who has ever lived or is yet to be born being more adept at negotiating the intricacies of this particular exercise.

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