Tuesday, December 29, 2009


In every blog of mine, I try to make the same point: Barack Hussein Obama is not stupid; he knows exactly what he’s doing. The media is starting to come around, but they’re approaching every story from the perspective that Obama is stupid. We laugh and pat ourselves on the back and say, “I told you so.” And we feel good about ourselves, adding, “So, how’s that ‘hope and change’ thing working out for you?” …more self-satisfied laughter.

But we’re falling into a trap; the same trap we fell into with Bush. In Bush’s case, we just had fun. We weren’t really concerned. We just played along with the hyperbole because it made us laugh. Obama is not so funny; he’s dangerous. Nobody’s laughing anymore. Unfortunately, we blew our wad on Bush – we cried ‘wolf’ too many times – now no one believes us anymore. Hell, we don’t even believe ourselves!

All I’m saying is that until we get off this ‘the president is a moron’ kick, things will only get worse for us. For one thing, good people are afraid to run for office. As for Obama, the sooner we recognize the criminal nature of what he’s doing and trying to do, this country will continue to flatline.

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