Thursday, December 17, 2009

Related Methods

Even if there were 'global warming' and even if a malleable cause could be identified to explain it, you could never get a majority of the world's population to cooperate. Now, it happens to be up to those who think of themselves as the majority - the smartest, the richest, the most compassionate, the most highly degreed and, yes, militarily the strongest as well - to act on their own predictions and designs. They do not yet recognize their own hubris, their arrogance, their imperialism and, quite frankly, how ridiculous they look to anyone standing just outside the 'amen choir’ circle.

The same goes for those who lose sleep over any minutiae put forth by the oh-so-righteous Left. 'Global warming', health care, and open borders; one-world, UN-governed fantasies - it all must be resisted and ultimately defeated. The murderous ways of Islamic intolerance can never mix smoothly with genteel western sensibilities, no matter what Dr. Phil says. The fervent, almost trance-like worship of Hindu deities would not play favorably in an atmosphere of western secularism; Chinese compliance with top down totalitarianism would never succeed in the West without prisons and bloodshed. So, let's stop pretending it is one world - one melting pot - where everyone can be accommodated, tolerated, respected and celebrated with malice towards none.

Imagine living in close proximity with someone who slaughters goats on holidays. Imagine hearing the animals' cries as they are slowly and painfully bled. Imagine this same neighbor's outrage on hearing the cries of sexual ecstasy emanating from (the porn channel on) your TV. The only way to enforce a perfect peace is the way Tito did it in Yugoslavia by lobotomizing the populace, by banning the public display of all cultural and religious symbols. “It was Tito's call for unity and related methods that held together the people of Yugoslavia” during a critical period right after WWII, as Wikipedia explains (my own emphasis added).

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Mr.Koelliker. In a few short words, less than 100 in fact. You have convincingly made an emotionally unstoppable argument against cultural relativism.

    Who among even our most fervant diversity fetishists could stomach the Saturday afternoon, back yard, ritual slaughtering of a lamb, in full view of the neighbourhood's more or less Christian inhabitants. At the same time how do we quell the understanble rage of Sinbad the newly arrived, Harvard trained, neighbourhood poctologist, who for the last two hours has been standing in your front yard screaming courses at you for having failed to block the porno channels on the cable service when his 14 year old son, Yousif comes over to play with other adolescents from the neighbourhood. An off hand remark like 'Boys will be boys' will simply not calm things down.

    The reaction to such a dilema is a wall of rational intoerance; the kind of wall Westerners are going to have to build is a wall to be found in their heads, not in some sordid Palestinian back alley. Myself I see nothing short of a dozen 9-11's being required to bring to this 'rational' point.
