Sunday, December 27, 2009

Will Silver and Gold Climb?

The answer to most of your questions is a resounding YES, except for the one about silver and gold. People from India, for example, have been going to Dubai for decades for the express purpose of buying gold. This is tradition. It is not new. The value of gold is a constant. Only currencies fluctuate – up or down. If the dollar, the yen and the euro implode, gold will not be of much help. Neither will property (unless you are actually living there).

I recall my mother telling me about fleeing the Russian advance during WW II. They'd packed all their valuables into wagons and headed west. All along the wayside, she remembers seeing the carcasses of dead pack animals strewn; along with the 'valuables' people had discarded in an effort to lighten the load. Nobody thought it a smart idea to stop and load gold candle holders or silverware onto their own carts.

Currencies are the only thing capable of gaining in value. It depends entirely on the work and productivity of the people they represent. If a government hinders people from working; if it smothers productivity; if it runs up too much debt; if it prints too much paper; if it taxes too much and makes it unprofitable to work; if it insists on shifting value from productive sectors to unproductive sectors - everything that we are currently doing - the currency will fail and the disaster will be more than just economic. This is why socialism/communism cannot work on a societal plane of higher complexity than the single family unit.

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