Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Breaking the Line That Marks the Curb

Any discussion re ‘global warming’ should from now on be confined to halls of Congress and asylums for the criminally insane. To continue talking about what essentially amounts to wealth redistribution; reparations; incitement to world-wide revolution and chaos; the death of Western civilization; survival of the fittest; invitation to rape, murder and brutality; etc. in terms of a six degree rise in the temperature of the planet - even after the ‘global warming’ fig leaf has dropped, exposing the blunt tool of oppression - is utter madness.

We all understand that the warmist vocabulary was too convenient a way of obscuring the harsh reality of what is really at stake. It even provided a nearly spiritual motive for the godless Kool-Aid addicts. Who would not do their bit to save the planet?

The cat was let out of the bag by Tony Blair who said (with a straight face), “It is said that the science around climate change is not as certain as its proponents allege. It doesn’t need to be.” No, Tony, Barack, Gordon, Al, etc. Nothing needs to be anymore. Modern leaders can now simply proclaim what is. And the adoring crowds will believe them. People who question will be shunned. They will be made criminally liable for whatever happens. Goodness knows that enough happens that can be spun into guilt or accusation. Depending on the circumstance, we could always ratchet dissent up to shame; into cases demanding public execution – hikers, for instance, unwittingly crossing an obscure border; sailors, straying unintentionally off course; drivers, carelessly breaking the line that marks the curb. Better watch your step, Sarah!

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